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What is Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) and How Can Your Clinic Reap its Benefits?

Remote Therapeutic Monitoring

We all appreciate how valuable hands-on treatment can be, but there is clearly a role now within our post pandemic society for remote physical therapy.  It is more convenient for patients, they can get early advice and input while crucially avoiding making common mistakes.  So if we are to embrace remote appointments how can we improve the experience and the outcomes for patient care?

Physical therapy clinics already benefit from the efficiency gains of comprehensive software systems like SPRY; the groundbreaking inclusion of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) further strengthened these advancements. So, what exactly is remote therapeutic monitoring? What is this significance for P.T. clinics regarding increased income, patient care, and intake? What is SPRY's R.T.M. system doing to stay one step ahead of the game throughout this metamorphosis? Let's go deep, shall we?

What is R.T.M.?

We must have a clear grip on the meaning of R.T.M. before we can proceed confidently into comprehending the next generation of physical therapy. 

R.T.M. is intended for overseeing patients under a particular treatment plan using medical devices that capture non-physiological data linked to symptoms and functions of a therapeutic response and give data on patient status. The musculoskeletal and orthopedics  systems are the primary focus of remote therapeutic monitoring (R.T.M.). This allows physicians to keep tabs on their patients' health statuses. In addition, this system facilitates communication between healthcare providers and patients via digital platforms.

In contrast to remote patient monitoring (R.P.M.), which primarily focuses on collecting and analyzing patients' physiological data, remote therapeutic monitoring (R.T.M.) focuses on maximizing treatment effectiveness. Blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels are monitored using specialized equipment as part of R.P.M. There is always a system that allows a new shift in any ecosystem to emerge into a new reality. So, who exactly made sure that R.T.M. became the norm?  The correct response is C.M.S. or the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Let's analyze how they've contributed to this change.

Significance of C.M.S. for R.T.M. 

The adoption of RTM CPT codes demonstrates C.M.S.'s recognition of R.T.M.'s value in furthering the movement toward patient-centered care that it has prioritized. Reimbursable Medicare services for remote treatment monitoring will be subject to new rules that C.M.S. adopted on November 1, 2022. Five new C.P.T. codes for remote therapeutic monitoring were recently authorized by C.M.S. In contrast to R.P.M. codes, which need recording vital signs, R.T.M. codes can be used in lieu of such monitoring. The purpose of these new codes is to broaden the scope of financially reimbursable digital healthcare applications beyond monitoring purely physiological metrics. Patient-reported information may be gathered and transferred using Software as a Medical Device, which Medicare covers. In other words, the H.E.P. software you are making available to patients may qualify as Software as a Medical Device since it enables patients to utilize their mobile devices to submit data.

So, what are these RTM codes? Look it up here -

Codes Significance
C.P.T. # 98975 Remote therapeutic monitoring (e.g., respiratory system state, musculoskeletal system status, treatment adherence, therapy response); initial set-up and patient instruction on equipment usage.
C.P.T. # 98976 Remote therapeutic monitoring (e.g., respiratory system status, musculoskeletal system status, treatment adherence, therapy response); provision of the device(s) with planned (e.g., daily) recording(s) and/or programmed alert(s) transmission to monitor respiratory system every 30 days.
C.P.T. # 98977 Remote therapeutic monitoring (e.g., respiratory system state, musculoskeletal system status, treatment adherence, therapy response); provision of the device(s) with planned (e.g., daily) recording(s) and/or programmed alert(s) transmission to monitor musculoskeletal system every 30 days.
C.P.T. # 98980 Physician/other qualified health care professional time in a calendar month necessitating at least one interactive conversation with the patient/caregiver throughout the calendar month; initial 20 minutes.
C.P.T. #98981 Physician/other qualified health care professional time in a calendar month necessitating at least one interactive conversation with the patient/caregiver throughout the calendar month; each additional 20 minutes.

Advantages of RTM

With the new codes for R.T.M., C.M.S. has brought the physical therapy field into the future. Some of R.T.M.'s primary benefits include the following: 

1 - These codes allow physical therapists to connect with patients via digital channels and boost their incomes. 

2 - These regulations will contribute to developing a reliable healthcare system for individuals who live in rural areas and cannot commute for regular medical appointments. 

3 - With the R.T.M. codes, physiotherapists may communicate with additional medical professionals, surgeons, and hospitals. Thus, individuals can earn money and contribute to treating people with musculoskeletal problems digitally. 

4 - R.T.M. will encourage individuals to use digital health technologies to improve their health status via remote means. 

5 - The introduction of the new R.T.M. codes have the potential to boost the number of persons who get P.T.

The hype about R.T.M. and its brilliance must have piqued your interest in the new possibilities. You're probably wondering why SPRY is bringing up R.T.M. Because we have our R.T.M. system poised to transform the physical therapy environment.

Reduce costs and improve your reimbursement rate with a modern, all-in-one clinic management software.

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As you know, Scheduling difficulties and getting to and from physical therapy sessions cause almost half of patients to abandon treatment. While patients may feel more at ease with at-home treatment, many PTs have tried it and given up because they couldn't accurately evaluate their patients' movement angles and form. The SPRY Assessment portal was created to eliminate this problem, boost clinic income, and improve patient care.

We provide a scalable solution that allows you to provide assessment remotely by using our cutting-edge A.I. vision technology. Patients can be electronically led and instructed on your prescribed and 4500+ personalized exercises as part of their treatment, as well as receive at-home e-monitored exercise sessions and pain and mobility testing, with advanced and high accuracy in the range of motion, endurance, and strength assessment. Consequently, your patients' physical health improvement may be followed and healed. These at-home sessions are more productive and well recorded in a fully sharable assessment report than a conventional in-clinic session. This paves the way for more precise patient data gathering, more patient involvement and adherence, better communication with immobile patients, and automated treatment regimens suited to unique patient needs. 

Spry's assessment processes provide a foundation for recognizing, evaluating, and monitoring patient care. It consists of well-thought-out and well-constructed self-assessments that are exact and backed up by clinical data.Following your assessment, the report gives feedback data that is conceived, processed, and sent to the user with the objective to change/modify or instill habits in order to reach desired health goals. It focuses on discovering and developing strengths, as well as increasing skills and decreasing shortcomings. These are accurate, focused measurements that quantify the user's symptoms and difficulties. It provides measurable data for each new test result and activity, compares current data to previous data, and supports progress tracking. 

So Using the SPRY Assessment portal to expand treatment beyond the confines of your in-clinic is a terrific approach to providing patients the support they need regardless of practical constraints.

Let us examine the significant impact of our R.T.M. system on physical therapists (P.T.s) and patients. The SPRY RTM technology, in essence, causes a fundamental shift in accountability and adherence to Home Exercise Programs (H.E.P.s). It has extensive features that efficiently assist patients in carrying out their recommended activities, resulting in better outcomes. Physical therapy practitioners can monitor and follow patient development to ensure that H.E.P.s are carried out correctly and timely. This greater degree of accountability translates to better rates of treatment plan completion, lower cancellation rates, and overall increased patient satisfaction. 

SPRY RTM encourages patients to take ownership of their health by actively immersing them in their rehabilitation journey, resulting in more significant therapeutic benefits. The utilization of SPRY RTM in physical therapy underscores the importance of responsibility, compliance, and a patient-centered approach to treatment. It is also a great way to add value to your existing client base in a market place which is becoming more competitive. 

Conclusion - 

It is becoming more apparent that clinics that wish to continue delivering the highest quality care to their patients must use some remote care, such as remote patient monitoring or remote treatment monitoring. As with that, it's a no-brainer that by using SPRY's R.T.M., you can raise your practice's income while simultaneously increasing patient engagement, decreasing total patient expenditures, and expanding your practice's reach to underserved communities. Therefore, why delay? 

It's time for SPRY to bring you into the future.

Why settle for long hours of paperwork and bad UI when Spry exists?

Modernize your systems today for a more efficient clinic, better cash flow and happier staff.
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